Ring ring

Reaching 4 years together and entering our second lockdown I was expecting wedding commitments after all this time and I expressed that to him and said that I needed to get to the next step otherwise I would need to move on. He agreed and told me soon after Christmas that he had bought a ring. 3 months later, still no ring, apparently it was stuck at the border due to “brexit problems”. One night: a big argument. He left me, and cut his phone off for a week without any explanation. He came back and told me there never was any ring, he just “didn’t want to hurt me” but he didn’t want to break up right now, just have a break and see how we go. 1 month later he tells me that he’s going to Mexico for 2 weeks and we should see where we are when he comes back. It’s been 4 months and he’s never come back. But I’ve met someone who is committed to me, who is not scared to express his feelings, who loves me and tells me that he wants to build a future with me and get a dog. So you can stay in Mexico.


The come back


Hashtag Couples goals