Sexy talk
Since the beginning of January, I’ve spoken to two men on tinder and all they want to talk about is sex, without getting to know me. Don’t they want to know who I am? My interests? Hobbies? Personality?
The first was quite fun at the start, suggestive and flirtatious about breaking lockdown (we didn’t). But when he tried to continue that line of conversation into the third day (it had got boring,) I told him I wanted more than sex talk. He unmatched me.
The second guy, started with ‘what are you doing in bed?’ Me: ‘sleeping.’ Him: ‘why don’t you do naughty stuff?’ So I pointed out to him I did not want sex talk with a man I had never met or I don’t know. To be fair, he accepted it and for the next 20 hours we exchanged messages about our lives. But the next night, it started again. ‘How naughty are you?’ ‘What are your limits?’ I told him that was personal and he would have to get to know me to find out. Needless to say, he never messaged again!
Is there something wrong with me? Have the rules of dating changed without me realising? Don’t get me wrong, I like sex chat, but I prefer to have at least met the man first! I want to know them and be in a trusting relationship for the sex talk to happen. Or is this old fashioned now?
And don’t even get me started on the men that match, but NEVER chat.. what’s the point in that?