The guy from the train
I got on the train and saw a guy who was going to the same game, so I talked to him and his friends and we all headed to the same pub. I then said goodbye and that was that, despite wishing I would see him again. I then got to the game and we were 4 seats apart, out of 3000 away fans! I wanted to exchange numbers, but I was seeing someone and it didn’t feel right to despite me knowing things were going to end after being messed around for months. The next day I ended things with the guy was seeing and after many tears, my friend convinced me I should contact the guy from the train, after she found him on Facebook.
He is the kindest man I have ever met and 2 months later, we have become the best of friends. Walks, dinners, a hand delivered care package during a terrible bout of Covid and constant messaging. But, despite my feelings towards him, we were still just friends. Then Easter Sunday came and after cooking him lunch at mine and bit of Dutch courage, it finally happened, he kissed me and since then, it’s felt like he’s always been there in my life and hopefully always will be.