I moved in with my boyfriend and his family back in October 2019 because my parents were extremely abusive (psychologically, physically and emotionally) and it got to the point where the police told me it wasn't safe to live there anymore. (I'm still so grateful that he and his parents welcomed me into their home). At the time we were both only 17 and we'd only been dating for 2.5 months so it was tough, strange and amazing all at once suddenly living together. When lockdown happened it really did test us and our love. We were in the same house together 24/7 and naturally in the beginning we spent all our time together. It was perfect and all our friends were jealous. We'd just cuddle and watch Doctor Who all day everyday, but after a few months it just got too much. We started to see more faults in each other as we spent way too much time together and arguments happened partly because of all the stress of not knowing what would happen and partly because we saw too much of each other. We weren't considering breaking up really because we were and still are deeply in love and we thought back to all our perfect and happy memories. But lockdown did test and strain us. So instead of let things get worse we talked more and became more open about our problems. We figured out that a main problem was us bottling up our emotions and we fixed that relatively quickly. And then we started spending more time apart in our different rooms and chat to our friends online more. This really did help as we had more time and space apart and that helped repair the small tear on our relationship. By the end of lockdown we were stronger as a couple and even more in love. Now we're at uni, he's at Edinburgh and I'm at Birmingham so we're going to only be able to see each other during the holidays and hopefully monthly. This is going to be another test as we're rarely going to see each other, much much less than before, but we know we can get through the next 4 years. We plan to get married soon after uni! He is definitely the one for me <3