The break up: part 2

Today I saw you for the first time in 8 months. I was waiting for my coffee order at the uni cafe when I heard that distinctive, booming, slightly arrogant voice ordering your usual at the counter. I certainly wasn't planning to abandon my Americano for your sake (there's my spite), so I braced myself...
"Hey" - "Hi"
You "It's been a while"
The last time I saw you we were both sobbing in my car, so yeah, been a fucking minute.
"Yeah, it has. I thought that was you, could always hear your voice from a mile away" I said with an ever-so-slightly passive aggresiveness to my voice. I turned my attention away to our mutual friend you had met for coffee. The three of us used to be close. I felt your eyes on me but didn't give you the option to make eye contact again. I made my pleasantries and left you to it. You've pretended for so long that I don't exist that it was really the least I could do (there's that pass agg nature of mine again).

Part of me is waiting for you to shoot your shot and contact me. Reach out. Make amends.
Most of me knows that your arrogance and pride will mean that you will never do this. Makes closure a difficult thing to achieve.


Unfinished: Part 2


Beautiful Creatures