The One, %: Part 2

Here we are, lockdown 2.0. It feels so similar to last time yet also so different. The sense of the unknown, the stillness and the empty streets are so familiar now. However there is one big difference. This time I’m not alone...I’m with you, my lockdown love.
I made room for you in my house and the next day you moved in. We’ve had the most fun and have laughed the days away already. I know that we are going to have the best 4 weeks.
After all we both know that you moving in is just for lockdown and until you move in with your friends. Problem is we are having the best time living together I already know I’m going to miss you when you move out.
We’ve already talked about living together next year and what the future holds. I honestly can’t wait! But until then I will enjoy every second of locking down with you, my love.



