The one with the happy ending

Although I have spent lockdown with my lovely boyfriend, like most people I have spent a lot of the time being haunted by the ghosts of past boyfriends, replaying relationships in my head like old episodes of Friends.

- The one with the manipulative control freak
- The one with the aggressive drunk
- The one where I waited for 8 years 
- The one that could have been but never was

Yes, lockdown has given me the chance to process feelings I didn’t know I was harbouring, but let’s face it, no one wants to watch these episodes - these are the ones you skip through to get to the Thanksgiving special. 

Thankfully, as lockdown began to relax so did my thoughts and I now feel like I can finally leave the past where it belongs. Which is lucky, as it turns out whilst I had spent my spare time dissecting my past, my boyfriend had been busy planning our future, and writing his own episode - the one with the proposal.


Before Sunset


I got a taste of the divorced dad life