The pitch

We met four years ago, I was approached by one of the most beautiful men I’d even encountered - a week later, he stood me up. We never spoke again.
Last year, once the first lock down had eased, I was furloughed and relaxing before my tenancy ended and moved back to my parents. I received a message from the same man asking where I was, how I was and if I fancied a date. I was bored. I made him pitch for me to meet him, not as a date. I couldn’t date a man after the last interaction was me standing alone in a street in London at night feeling embarrassed and disappointed. His pitch was annoyingly good. I agreed to meet him and we had a lovely afternoon. Again, he asked me on a date and I rejected him. The man was relentless and I was flattered that this beautiful man with ambition and brains was pursing me. He was also a gentle soul, sensitive and seemed to actually care about me. To top it off, we really clicked. Eventually I caved. We dated.

Then came me moving back to my parents half way up the country and the two of us being in different countries for three months. I decided we should call it a day and he agreed. I was upset, we got on so well and I knew I’d miss him but it was the easiest option thinking we’d stop communicating. He kept making the effort over the three months. This was until I messaged to say I’d be in London soon and he ghosted me. The feeling was exactly the same as when he’d stood me up, only slightly more embarrassed this time. Anyway a few weeks later when I was back in the city seeing friends, I ask him to drop a book off. It turned into an argument on his behalf. He called, and he was angry, until I made a stupid comment accidentally and burst out laughing. My laughter was met with ‘damn I’ve missed you, when are you around next?’. I melted, I was excited. He was still single and hadn’t forgotten me. We planned the date for four days later. Two days before, I asked if he was still ok to meet and I was met with ‘I’m busy and I’m seeing someone’. Again, I felt how I did when he first stood me up, yet even more embarrassed, disappointed and insignificant as I really hadn’t seen it coming and I don’t know how. We haven’t spoken since.


Feeling this


Drunk in love