We met online a couple of years ago. My walls have always been built so high to protect myself but I made the mistake of letting them down for you. You didn’t feel the same happy to have me as a friend nothing more. Just before covid you offered me a fling I jumped at the chance foolishly. Throughout lockdown 1 clandestine meetings kept me going. As we were released from lockdown you released me. There’s someone else I like you said, why do you keep coming back to me, give me space you said. I followed your wishes....I spent the summer focusing on me and my happiness. September comes you ping into my head I foolishly contact you again. Would I like to meet for a drink you say? Of course! You pull me back in, back to square 1. Falling harder every time for you. I ask where this is going you destroy me with the line sure we are friends I thought we’d agreed?? I didn’t agree....I need to pull away. I’m worth more than this. I can’t/won’t let you destroy me again