What’s meant for you

We met through friends in the summer of 2019 and began dating at the end of 2019, making it official the following February. After years of failed and abusive relationships, I felt I had finally found what I wanted and deserved. Then, lockdown hit. For a long distance and fairly new relationship, things got really tough and a few weeks in we went our separate ways even though we were very much in love with each other, at the current time we couldn’t make each other happy.

Following no contact for a few months, we reconnected via social media and would speak on and off. This was a pattern for another few months until, one night, he completely opened up telling me how much he had missed me and asked if we could spend some time together. We did, the feelings rekindled, and four months later we are back in a relationship and, even though it was brilliant before, things are incredible now and I have zero fears going into this second lockdown.

Sometimes people just need that space to heal and grow. What is meant for you will be for you.


Then & Now


Pissed at the pandemic