What I like about you

What do I like about you?
You love facts, I love concepts
You ponder on real-life matters, I delve into abstract ideas  
You hold clear beliefs and principles, I see everything from multiple angles
You favour words and logics, I prefer images and patterns

So, what do I like about you? 
Long night talks over the screens 
The questions you asked, the scars exchanged 
Beers in hands, cheers virtually 
You celebrated my achievements that I forgot worth recognising

So, what do I like about you?
The memories we cherished, the pain led to growths
The ongoing challenges, shaping us into better moulds
The wines you sent over, I am looking forward to share
The words, the looks, the touches, showing that you care 

No really, what do I like about you? 
You lightly gave me a push on the back, when we ran up Primrose Hill
You gently kissed on my head, flushing down my heart a warm flow 
You asked me to promise one thing, to always be true and be natural
You wrote a poem about ‘your good feelings’, on lockdownlovestories.com which I saw

No really, what do I like about you? 
I went blank trying to answer this question
I like how you made me comfortable to be in my own skin 
I like how you flipped my cold mind about morning and night greetings
I like the stimulating conversations and the radiating sincerity 

So I have come to realise
I like you more than I planned 

What do I like about you?
This is just a prelude…


You, Paris, love hotels


15 year love affair