Full Circle

I went into lockdown lost and confused, not knowing who I was, I wanted a distraction. We matched, we met virtually, we wanted to meet more. We met in real life and we became inseparable.

You let me get to know you slowly, you gave me space to find myself. You let me into your world, you made me feel safe to let you in mine. I didn’t expect to meet someone precious, I only wanted a distraction, but I found you. Lockdown became colourful, you were my bubble, you were my world.

Lockdown brought us together, lockdown took us apart. As you were made furloughed, you went back home. A country that’s only 2 hours away became unattainable as the travel ban took place. My heart for you grew fonder as the uncertainty grew greater ... until you decided not to come back.

You settled into your new life as I tried to with mine. Sometimes I think you got a sweeter deal; starting fresh and moving on in a place with no memories of me. Things went round in a full circle; my first hello and my last good bye to you both through a screen.

You will forever be my lockdown boyfriend.

I am back to square one.

Then it comes lockdown 2.0.




Forget u not