Love struck

We met just before lockdown came into play, by a sheer stroke of luck. We laughed at the pandemic in the beginning as if it weren't a big deal.
We spent most of our free time together, I admit I was completely lovestruck. Without distraction of usual dating activities, we became one in the comfort of a place I called home, as I got to know the version of you that is 100% real.
The distance and isolation was hard and the relationship was not one without struggle.
However we both new it was all worth it when we embraced and had a heartfelt cuddle.
We're now at a point where the only way is up, nothing can faze me and nothing will hinder our relationship's progression.
I can't wait to have you by myside for each and everyday as my wonderful bride. I will love you to the very end and you name will be the last word to leave my mouth as my life's confession.


Lucky Stars

