131 Days

We lived less than a mile away from one another but didn't know each other existed until Tinder. We matched but didn't meet for a while because we were in the first lockdown, you living with someone vulnerable meant you were strict about not breaking the rules.

It rained for our first socially distant date/walk and we were both wearing walking boots. I brought the dog so I'd have something to do with my hands. Within an hour of the date finishing we had agreed on a second.

5 dates and one kiss was all it took to fall in love with you. I told you when more than a little tipsy one night, 60 days was all it took to know you felt the same.

You took the time to get to know my body, you're the best I've ever had. I miss you sleeping next to me on the occasions we spend a night apart.

We sat and watched the Prime Ministers address together hoping we would still be able to see each other in the second lockdown and now you and your family are my bubble.

29 years of life, a first love, a failed marriage and a fuck buddy and I've never felt as strongly for anyone as I feel for you.

131 days and counting.


My first love

