The things he said
We met through a mutual friend while he was on a trip here. We spent full nights together and then we were a continent apart. Central Europe and Asia. We broke up the first time three years ago because of the distance, then I moved to the U.K. Distance continued to be an issue, something he just couldn’t move passed; yet he was comfortable with everything else we did. We got back together a year ago, I was going to move there after September.
In April when lockdown happened, he said he couldn’t see us traveling again. Then all of a sudden it was about race, that interracial couples would be stared at even more. It was about language, that no way I could survive with just english, I won’t get a job and people would resent me ever more. A long distance relationship to him he said was a relationship with the computer and he didn’t sign up for this. We had a deal to meet every 2-3 months and covid didn’t allow it.I had to break up with him because all those reasons and excuses cost me my sleep, my appetite, my tears and was affecting my work in the front line. Yet to this day I’ve regretted it and wondered what would have happened if I didn’t break up with him.