
I recently broke up with my boyfriend of almost 4 years 2 months ago. The spark had disappeared over the past couple of months away from him and quarantine. He didn't treat me well and was very toxic and controlling and left me scarred and damaged. I had been having thoughts about a certain boy I'd met a year before on a summer holiday with a close friend of mine. We both had broken up or been broken up with recently at the time and really got along and talked most of the night. He was so sweet to me and even walked us both back to our hotel as we was a little bit tipsy. I felt a connection with him that night but I was still very much wanting to mend my on and off relationship at the time. I had always had him in the back of my mind since last year and always wondered why I was thinking about him whilst I was in a relationship.. I was unhappy with the relationship but I didn't want to give up so easily on what I thought was going to last a lifetime. 
Finally being free and not being tied down to anyone I thought now was a perfectly good time to pick up where we left off. 

When I first messaged him he said he had also broken off a relationship of 6 years at the start of the year, with the same person he had spoken to me about when we first met. 
We bonded and talked about both of our exes and could relate to each other. It was nice and so natural. Not at all forced or awkward.
We talk everyday and I couldn’t ask for a better friend. He keeps jokingly telling me to move to Europe with him.
Little does he know that I would happily drop everything to just be with him. 
I'm planning on visiting him sometime next year. 
I can't wait to give him a big hug.
Even though he wants to stay friends for now I really hope this blossoms into something new and even if it doesn't I'm glad to know him and to have got such an amazing friend out of this. I'm so happy to have him back in my life. It all felt like it fell into place. 

I wanted to write this just so he knows how much he truly means to me. I wouldn't ever want to lose him and I hope to have him in my life for a very long time. 
Maybe someday I'll show him this and the feelings will be returned…
Who knows?
To my dear friend, 
R x


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Life’s too short