Cruel Twist
Sometimes you just spark with someone. That movie stuff that people talk about. The inner spark! You can’t control or numb it. You can’t ignore it. It’s The person you would be head over heels in love , happily ever after. You feel safe with them, you can be vulnerable, you can be bluntly honest and hide no prisoners, they’ll make you laugh and smile and the sexual chemistry is literally on fire. Your eyes will connect with theirs like no other. They’ll undo you with how they look deeper than the surface of you. You’ll be proud of all their success, their biggest fan and you want to carry the weight of any failure for them, you can’t bare to see them sad. You’ll want to be their kiss goodnight and then their little spoon in the morning. Every thing just brings you back to this person. And you know that nobody will ever compare. You will never ‘get over them’.
Life’s cruel twist though, is that Sadly, sometimes they just can’t be yours.