All wrapped up

April 17th 2021. The night everything reopened and everyone went wild. We went to school together and bumped into each other at the local pub and reminisced. I woke up next to you the next morning to discover you was still with your long term girlfriend. I felt awful but you continued to message me that week asking to see me and cook me dinner. I said no. You rang me at the end of the week to say that you had finished with her, it had been wrong for a long time coming. You asked again to cook me dinner, so I thought, why not. We have always been friends, flirty friends and so we slept together. Fast-forward 6 weeks, we've been on dates, adult sleepovers and even got our vaccines together. You told me you had strong feelings for me, that I was your best friend and more all wrapped up in one. That I was your favourite person. That maybe we should call it off incase he fucks up and hurts me. I told him to get a grip, man up and just enjoy whatever our situation is. Fast forward 4 weeks to today. Exactly 10 weeks on, I have discovered you never broke up with her. You've just signed for a mortgage together. I realise you are a pig.




Love drunk