I submitted our lockdown love story a while ago… I thought you were going to be the one… I told you I was scared about life post lockdown and post Covid and you said it would be okay. But then you told me you wanted to end it and reasons weren’t that clear. So I fought for it, I fought for us, as I knew I loved you and wanted you in my life. Then the lockdown lifted and as we began to live normal lives, finding the normal us, your worries were in the back of my mind though. We met up with my friends for dinner one night and suddenly it dawned on me that you didn’t fit in with my lifestyle, my friends or my family. I felt like I was out with my friends, including you. It broke my heart and that night you turned your back in bed on me without saying I love you or showing any affection. I woke up and knew I had to make the hardest choice, but the best choice for me. I asked you to leave and that it was over and you didn’t even fight for me, for us. And that hurt. I didn’t hear from you until a week later when you asked what you could do to fix us, but there was nothing. I can’t change my family or friends for you to fit in. You were rude and verbally abusive to me and towards my family. How dare you. You told me you were taking some new “friend” to the weekend away you’d booked for my birthday… And at this point, although angry and sad, I realised I didn’t care what you did because I was better off without you controlling me and my life. I don’t need you whatsoever, and I’m rather glad I realised that before it got too late…