
We met as friends, years after last seeing each other. we got coffee and chatted and it was obvious there was a spark between us. We met again in the city, where we walked and alternated between discussing trivial stuff and what actually makes a relationship. as we said goodbye at the station you kissed me. Fast forward a few weeks and we meet again, having phoned and FaceTimed and talked everyday between then. I've told you how I've been hurt by boys in the past before, how I’ve been used or treated badly, where boys have wanted me to act like a girlfriend without them acting as my boyfriend, or use me for sex then dump or ghost me without a second thought. You promised you’d never do that and said you never wanted to lose me as a friend. We agreed there was such strong sexual chemistry and we enjoyed spending time together but you were unsure whether you could see us dating long term. We started meeting more frequently and acting more ‘couple-y’ (your words not mine). You told me you were conflicted and confused as you had only been single a matter of months and I said not to stress we could take it slow. now, 8 weeks after you messaged me, I’m being filtered out of your life. slower replies, less conversation started by you, messages being ignored, plans cancelled. You’re treating me exactly the way you said you wouldn’t. I don’t know why I still give you the benefit of the doubt and why I want you to message me explaining yourself. It hurts and I don’t have the strength anymore :(


Every cloud…


Waiting game