My little friend
My lockdown love story is a motherhood love story. My son was born mid-pandemic and 3 weeks later we moved as a little family of three to a different country. And so whilst we've lived in the cloud of some sort of lockdown his whole life (and uprooted from everything we knew), the sweet sweet silver lining has been getting to know him. It's nearly been six months and his joy is infectious, his cries cut into my soul and the way you can feel about some who is even cute when they are doing a big poo is quite surprising. And finally an ode to my husband, who whilst working from home has had to put up with my dulcet tones singing so many nursery rhymes as I seek out that curl of a smile that my sweet one gives. There is a secret part of me that is glad that I've been able to spend so much time with my small friend (thanks lockdown).