Women issues

Between International Women’s Day and Mothers' Day I have been rereading all the amazing stories women have posted on this site. Thank you Philippa Found for creating this beautiful project of sharing. My marriage ended during Lockdown when I discovered my husband had been cheating on me with an ex girlfriend. He wanted us to stay together. I knew I had to walk away. It was the third time you see. The brave stories about women learning to love themselves, sisterhood helping get through the bad times really resonated with me. These stories gave me strength and a sense of community during what has otherwise been a very tough and lonely year. But the stories about the “other women” made me so sad. Men it seems rarely actually want to leave their wives and especially their children. While the other woman wastes precious days and years of her own life. Perhaps even the chance to have her own family, instead contributing to the disintegration of another. We are all better than this. Let’s respect ourselves, support and raise each other up. And most of all be kind to all women.


Swipe, match, date, repeat


My little friend