Simply wonderful
I met you, my love, after years spent with someone mistreating me - partly as I learned because of our incompatible attachment, but mostly because he was just a twat amongst other things. I spent just over a year healing from that, re-learning and discovering who I actually am, having my fun, trying to figure out what I want and trying to make myself content - which I mostly managed, at least by knowing my own boundaries and acknowledging the way I wish to live (alone or otherwise). The most important lesson I learnt in that time was that no matter how hard you try or wish for it, you cannot change people’s behaviour they will treat you as they wish and it is *such* a waste of time to accept inadequate situations and non-existent love.
Now we are together, and every single day we grow closer than I think possible. I struggle to believe that you are real, let alone that I found you (by inviting myself over to your house through mutual friends out of sheer lockdown boredom).
I have so much to thank you for, things I could spend all day putting into words. I can only hope to make you a fraction as happy as you make me, and care for you with the love you’ve shown me from day one. You’ll never read this, but it deserves to be known that you are simply wonderful.