After a 7 year relationship and a year of dating, I managed to find you, a hot winter date. You were so so hot and intelligent. By the second date, you were walking around my flat butt-naked. Within the space of 6 months, you'd met my friends, visited family with me and holidayed abroad. We even spoke about buying a house and how cute our children would look like. You even called me every morning....swoon.
The call every morning started to frustrate me where little was said, and much of your communication to me was around sex. There were other "red flags" although I see them now as inner demons you need to overcome. You started falling out with my friends and friends told me you weren't right for me after seeing us passionately argue... We broke up, I was heart broken.
We stayed in touch you wanted to get back together, I said no. I noticed aspects of our relationship where we were not right for one another. 2 months later you got back in touch, things would change you said. They did... to an extent...but the fiery part of the relationship extinguished. I lost the connection after a month or two and said good bye. You were heart-broken.
We arranged to meet again 3 months later, I told you I was dating someone else and you cried to me down the phone.
Another 3 months went by, it was your birthday and I sent you a present. We started dating, I caught feelings and this time, I was the one who wanted too much from you. I wanted to cut it off at the phone call but you said to meet... We met and you repeated to say you couldn't do it. I tried to laugh it off and end our final drink on a positive note. Then I felt your cruelty, you said our past wasn't love...
Love shouldn't be so cruel but I do know there were points of 'intense love'. I can't wait to have a more stable love.