To Rome with love: Part 2

Earlier this summer, after lots of secret planning, we travelled to Italy to surprise his family who he had not seen for a year! The next few weeks were filled full of reunions with friends and family accompanied with good food and lots of laughter, which made my time in Italy pass in an instant. The next thing I know, I'm at departures in a crowded Italian airport kissing my partner for the last time for a month, whilst evaluating if I REALLY want to go back to work or if I should just pull a sickie!? (Kinda regretting that I didn't do the latter). However, tomorrow evening I am going to meet him at the airport and I cannot wait for him to be home! We've been living together for over a year now and despite the stress of lockdown I could never have imagined that living with someone could ever be this pleasant. Without him here our home just feels like a flat. I felt prepared to spend a month without him since we spent the whole of the first lockdown in different countries, but I am missing him even more than I imagined. I feel fortunate to be able to count down the days until I see him, which I didn't have the certainty to do during the first lockdown, but now I find myself constantly turning to tell him a stupid joke then realising that he isn't here- it's just a pile of cushions next to me on the sofa. I'm finding this time harder as it's not just infatuation, and missing someone I have recently met, but missing someone for who they are and everything you adore about them. Tomorrow hurry up ❤️



