I was sick of online dating. I was ready to give up. One last try. It was then that I met him. My soulmate. We spoke for about 6 months before deciding to meet. We decided a coffee at my place. We clicked right away. 
We had 1 more date before the pandemic. Which came along after we had been seeing each other for 2 weeks. 
He had his place which was smaller. And he also had two kids. Where as I had a 4 bedroom house.. which now I call fate that i moved into. It has been a year in march and there are now 5 of us. Arguments galore. World war 3 with the kids but now they class each other as brother and sister. I gave my job up as the school closed and he workes nights and i wanted to look after the kids. Its been tough but i think if you can get through a pandemic you can get through anything!




Coffee blend