Zero expectations

We met on tinder of all places. I joined for the 100th time with zero expectations and hoping for some lols at least. It had been the hardest 7 weeks of my life. I had lost my aunty to covid and I was so deep in grief I needed something light to happen. I never got to say goodbye and it haunts me. Your profile came up and I almost swiped right. Not enough humour I thought, a bit to straight cut for me. But you had such a kind face so I figured why not!? We matched and it turned out you super swiped me. You started the convo, we talked for days and meet on Friday for our first date, a few drinks we say. I walked up the tube station stair to greet you, all hot and sweaty from rushing and I instantly felt at ease from your warm smile. A few drinks turned into shots, a bottle of gin and take away pizza at yours. We kiss and touch and are intimate and before i know it I'm in your bed, naked and weeping after amazing sex. In that moment you comforted me, you cuddled me like a friend or long term lover would and reassuered me that all the sadness and regret I was feeling about my aunt was ok and that 'she wouldn't have remembered that difficult last conversation you had with her because she knew you loved her'. You will never know how those words still bring me such comfort even though I've told you so many times.

A few drinks turned into 16 hours, turned into messaging everyday, turned into dating for 9 weeks. You saw me at my most vulnerable and made me feel so safe and secure. How can a complete stranger get me so well?I was right about your kind face. I'm hoping those 9 weeks of dating turn into more with you but I haven't quite plucked up the courage to say that yet....




And just like that