A letter to my younger self
Oh darling ...
But you are already the woman he never deserved. You are already so much more than he ever will be. And you have long found yourself. You just need to open your eyes and you would see what I see: intellect, compassion, loyalty, drive, strength, beauty and endless kindness. You see the world as full of hope, opportunity - there to be shared by and for all of us - not just some of us.
Remember the morning you walked, hand in hand with your friend, shaking, into the empty flat he moved out of overnight without ever contacting you again after a 6 year relationship? You loved so deeply that you ignored the long-coming storm. His narcissistic behaviour, the passive aggression, the mind games, the constant rejection, the lowering of your self-worth and that of others. And no, you are not just the victim: you made mistakes and will learn to take full accountability for your own actions. You simply placed your future into the wrong hands and built your home in someone else rather than within yourself. But you are not a piece of jewellery only to be worn on certain days or to be thrown away if it sparkles differently than originally anticipated in the sun. And believe me when I say: you were not wrong in putting yourself first.
Fortunately, you are one lucky girl as this journey will bring you to full liberation and clarity over what really matters. You will meet so many amazing people so why still let one ruin it all for you? Your friends and family will catch you when you fall, challenge your thoughts, believe in you, make you laugh until your stomach hurts, and love you just like you love them - unconditionally and for who they are. We as humans of all age, religion, colour, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background must unite. These days more than ever before. We need to be prepared for what lies ahead as we cannot stem it alone. We need others to speak up for us when we are too weak. We need others to challenge our thoughts and champion our ideas. The challenges we face, the pain we go through, the dark nights lying awake in anxiety and fear of the future, the feeling of not belonging, the self-doubt and thoughts that we are not good or smart enough - we are not alone with them. They make us stronger. You, my dear, already have everything you will ever need and so much more. The best thing about this part of your journey was and always will be: you. But I know you already figured that. So just keep going. Struggle for progress not perfection. As little by little, a little becomes a lot. One voice will turn into many and you can be part of something new. Something exciting and much more meaningful. Initiate change, be the voice of others and create a better world. Keep your eyes open to reality, follow purpose over passion and trust what is right and what is wrong. In the words of Maja Angelou: ‘the horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.’ So go now. Create. Unite. Inspire. And most importantly:
Be you.
Just you.