After thoughts

After a year of dating men who treated me like an afterthought, who used my body and cared very little about my brain, who pushed the boundaries to see how far my naïve hope and yearning for love would get them, I'd had enough. Two texts of rejection in one night from lovers that I thought were different from all the rest led me to delete the apps, the numbers, the Instagram followers, and take a break. This break may have only lasted a month, but when I redownloaded Hinge something told me that you'd be different, and I was right. You never once made me doubt you, our relationship grew easily, with no worries or dramas, and you showed me what honest, true, raw, unfiltered love looks like. Nearly a year on we are happier than ever, planning our future together, and the wounds of my past experiences are almost healed. I am so glad that I didn't let the words and actions of a few bad apples spoil my hope, because if I'd let them, I'd never have found you.


Near Misses


The Second date: Update