Alone, alone, alone

I live alone and like alone but don’t want to be alone. Lockdown made me very alone so then it was no choice-alone.

I think I have coped well. I hope I have coped well? It’s hard when I am the judge of me. I could have spiralled into a succession of late hedonistic nights alone – I had the time to. There were of course a few boozy nights – at weekends mostly. But everyone needs a holiday from themselves when their alone.

Lockdown has effected us all so differently there are elements I have really enjoyed and will miss. Just the time to reflect and be without the pressures to excel and succeed and be our best possible selves.

Just prior to lockdown I went on 3 fabulous dates with the same girl. We met on Hinge but I’m not sure it will progress after lockdown although we have stayed in touch throughout. Time will tell.

I do know though that to be alone is not preferable to being alone with somebody – it’s just different. I am looking forward to not being alone.


He left us while I was stranded in another country


I sent him a limerick about my vagina and we went from there