Before the first date

We had liked each other before but circumstances weren’t right. We reconnected in February- texting, chatting, getting excited about one another and the potential of this new thing. Made plans to meet but something came up, made new plans but fell ill. Then lockdown. We text every day, good morning to good night. phone calls and video calls. But haven’t kissed, touched one another, been in the same room. Over 5 months the initial lust and excitement - ‘I can’t wait to see him. I NEED to see him’ - gave way to a reassuring security - knowing he was there for me and I was there for him - gave way to a nagging disappointment - is he always this negative? He puts so much pressure on me. He complains constantly. This is exhausting. Have I run the gamut of an entire relationship without even one date? one kiss?


The break-up


Without the ex