We met at the end of lockdown after I’d spent the summer experiencing socially distanced walks as dates. I was still healing from a break-up just before lockdown but meeting him felt right.
Two months later, we’d met each other’s parents and we’d gushed to each other about how much we meant to each other. I even said the L word and he’d hinted he felt the same.
Then, his words of warning came true. You see he’d said he was trying to be better at committing and being in a relationship but his actions told me he was more than just trying. Then he cheated. Then he broke up with me because of his guilt. Then he told me he couldn’t live with his guilt or the intensity of the relationship. I gave him a month to heal and space to think. Just before the end of the month, he said it was still over. This is despite him having said he loved me, wanted a future with me, wanted me to live with him in a few months.
Sometimes fires burn too fiercely.