Men are from Mars women are from Venus: update

"You have two lives. The second begins when you realise you only have one." - Confucius

You told me your favourite phrase today, and I could feel that you meant it.

6 months of lustfully daydreaming of us being more. 
A billion times gazing into your eyes, my eyes full of longing. Hundred and one passionate kisses and ONE BIG BANG later... I can feel your warm, even when I'm not with you. You amaze me... You honest, courageous and beautiful man. You did not leave your ex for me, you left her to better you. Because you believed in yourself and because you were ready and willing to get uncomfortable, to be comfortable. This is the kind of man, I see myself with- someone who isn't afraid of change and risk. A man who realises he only has one life left. 

& in bettering yourself, I found you. I'm sorry it took this to get here. But I'm not sorry you're here right now. 

For now, we're on the same planet. Hopefully, this story can and will be updated soon.


The higher you climb: part 3


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