I met my boyfriend during an exchange. We didn't expect the relationship to last long because both our previous long-distance fails. We didn't expect to meet each other as frequently as normal couples as we are both young broke undergrads. However, thanks (?) to the pandemic, our situation hasn’t been as miserable as we had expected. We have had more time to videocall each other as a lot of lectures moved online, and we could study in each other's presence. He just flew to the UK recently, and the time difference has widened. I hope everything will go well. He would say that people who TRY to maintain a long-distance relationship are somewhat doomed because the point of being in a relationship is to enjoy the time spent together. However, I feel quite the opposite.
Huge respect for everyone that has been and will still transmit their affections and emotions to another amid all these barriers and choose to hold on to love.