For better or worse
My boyfriend and I have been together for five years, and lived together for about four and a half! We've always enjoyed spending time together, so when lockdown hit - I didn't think much would change. The thing is, we always chose to spend time together because we wanted to, but now, we were spending time together because we had to! While I am very introverted, my boyfriend is extroverted so feeds off social interactions with other people, it was hard for him to only see me all day everyday. At the beginning of the year, before covid was even a consideration, we had decided to get a puppy. Daisy came into our lives and brightened every dull day, and got us out and about in the deepest countryside, where we were miles away from any other person. One day on our country walk, we came across a bench overlooking a valley, and decided to sit for a while. My boyfriend walked around with the dog behind me for a bit, while I basked in the summer sun. After a few minutes, Daisy came running over to me, looking very proud of herself - she had a note in her collar. I opened it, and it read "Would you do me the honour of being mine forever. I choose you everyday, and you're the only person I will ever need in my life. Will you marry me?" I turned around and my boyfriend was down on one knee, with a ring. Of course, I said yes! I guess the lockdown made us realise that we could never be without eachother, because even in the hardest times, we found joy in the simplicity of each day together, and after the past year, it gave us the knowledge that we could take on anything the world threw at us