On my doorstep: Part 3
I've started talking to someone new. Another lockdown.. another potential love interest. Luckily this time hes not across the road.
Hes funny.. and kind and hes interested in all I have to say. Then again so were you.
I told him how you broke my heart and how I'd planned on not messaging another guy for a long time let alone starting anything romantically.
I can't see him right now obviously... Unlike you he can't come to my garden wall and fill my head with a lot of pretty lies. He's not begging me to sneak around behind my familys back and break lockdown rules and most importantly unlike you- he doesn't have a secret girlfriend..
So why did I spend this evening in bed crying over you? Why when my phone beeps do I wish it was you? Why do I know heart of hearts if you both were standing infront of me I wouldnt think twice before running to you.
Its still you.