Team lockdown love
I started 2020 separated from my ex-marriage. It took me months to get myself back to being the true me. Lockdown hit and working for the NHS was emotionally, mentally and physically draining. I spent the time I wasn’t at work alone and crying. Come May I decided to try Internet dating, never having done it before as I had been in a relationship for 9 years.
I signed up and had a few guys message me then "The One" popped up and instantly I was intrigued by his heartfelt message. I accept the message and from there we messaged constantly until the evening when we exchanged numbers.
Still being in lockdown meant we couldn't meet but we spent every night on the phone chatting for hours.. laughing & telling each other stories.
Lockdown was being lifted and we got to meet. I stood nervous next to me car but that first embrace he gave me will be one I remember forever. 7 months down the line and I couldn;t imagine having anyone else by my side to pick me up when I'm feeling sad... to make me smile just by looking at him…to cry with happiness.
Life throws us all sorts of challenges but its love that gets us through those times.
Our relationship title from when we first met has been #teamlockdownlove its where our adventure began and when I look back at all the bad stuff that has happened during 2020 I can look back and know I had love to get me through it.