All talk
I went to Cologne during Carnival week at the end of Feb and matched with a guy on Tinder that at first didn’t seem to be fully my type but after 2 days talking he rung me on the phone and I completely fell for his accent, the way he was talking and the fact that we was both very similar. Then we went into lockdown and the idea of seeing each other sooner completely blown away... I was living in London and he was living in Germany... but this didn’t stop us and then we started to talk 24h a day vía WhatsApp...we would speak on the phone every other night during LONG hours...he introduced me to his family and I did the same, we would flirt and have phone sex. After a month and a half i asked him to facetime... but he never had time for it, then after insisting he backed off and said to me that he wanted to take a stepback on our online “relationship”. I didn’t understand anything... I tried to but I couldn’t as lockdown made be very attached to him. He then spoke to me and we sorted everything out... then we was back to normal... messages 24/7, phonecalls... wishing lockdown to be over to finally see each other. And then in May, lockdown in Europe had less restrictions and we wanted to plan when to see each other... so then I started to ask him, when to see each other. I was willing to travel to Germany to see him... he told me that he needed to speak with his Boss about holidays and he will get back to me about it, but a week passed and he didn’t so I got w bit annoyed... video call thing and then this? I even started to doubt that he was real... and I gave him an ultimatum. I told him that I didn’t see us going any further as he wasn’t putting the same effort on seeing each other as i was... he then answered me saying that he was busy, that I deserved better and that i lived in a different country and that he was sorry. That was his last message, never heard from him again. He broke my heart. I messaged over and over and he never replied but he will watch my Instagram. Nowadays I still think of him, even though i know I shouldn’t he made my lockdown better and even if I will never know if it was the guy on the photos, i will always remember him.