On my birthday

I met this guy on Hinge about a month before lockdown started. Things were going great, seeing each other a few times a week, going out for dinner and drinks, good enough sex… then lockdown hit. We both lived on our own, so decided to continue seeing each other at his house a few times a week for the whole of lockdown. Weeks and months passed and I thought things were going great. The day lockdown lifted slightly, July 4th, coincidentally also my 24th Birthday, he decided that ‘this was too serious’ and he now ‘didn’t know what he wanted anymore’. So that was that, the very simple and blunt end to my lockdown romance. Funnily enough I actually thought it was going to go somewhere… but turns out I was just someone to take his mind off being in lockdown alone for months!


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3 weeks, 15 dick pics