It started with a stupid message

Look at us. Who would’ve thought.

How did we get here? We had been speaking as acquaintances:)) for a few months and finally decided to meet up. Of course, you were shoved deep into the friendzone but for some reason the idea of finally meeting you excited me and I didn’t question it. During the lift of lockdown, you planned a whole day out together and gave me memories I will never forget (even with my goldfish brain). We had barely started the day when we walked along a path with the website chalked into it. You got so excited you put it into your phone straight away. I don’t know what it was but at that point I took a photo of you and the path. Maybe it was the hope I had for a new story with you, or perhaps just your cuteness that in those moments I had been denying. I think deep down I knew that I’d be writing a post about you, and that this was a sign. Let’s call that day what it was, our first date? I don’t think it was your intention, but you made me feel special and appreciated, and I had never felt like that before. I knew that no matter what happened between us that I’d always cherish that day.

We saw each other again two weeks later and there I was still denying my feelings. I was getting butterflies all through the day and still was trying to convince myself that nothing was there.

Since then we've had a bump and some hurdles. This was and still is all very new to me and you haven’t once made me feel bad for it. I originally sent this in to post on new years but the site was down. A true blessing in disguise because I was not ready to openly simp. But look how that’s changed.

You’ve taught me a lot about life and about myself. You know I see the world as a place full of bad, and it makes me want to protect you forever, but somehow you make me want to change those views of the world.

I know we have so much to still learn about each other and experience together. But already you’ve given me laughs, support and a safe space. Your patience with me means so much. You never miss. Without fail everyday you’ll send me not one but two good morning texts because you’re weird like that. You have an image in your head of a better you, and you inspire me to be better too.

Last year I was starting to find the movie moments in my life, but you came, flipped it all and turned it into a romcom that I certainly wasn’t expecting. I guess through this whole word vomit, what I’m trying to say is, you make me happy and I’m so incredibly glad that you got bored enough one night, when lockdown first hit, to send me a stupid message.


Different, same

