
During the first lockdown, I found myself having to leave the home I’d learned to call home for the past couple years. The landlord was getting divorced (due to Covid I wonder 🤔)and he had to sell the house.

Though I loved that area, I decided that if I had to move, I wanted to move across London and try a totally new place. Good thing I did, or I wouldn’t have met you.

After Many house viewings, and none feeling like the right fit - I viewed the one where I met you.

From the first time we met, though it was brief, I immediately noticed you. Things fell into place and I ended up moving in.

I knew we would be the best of friends. I could tell you were a great guy and we clicked instantly. You were older then me and I didn’t think you saw me as anything more than friends. Turns out, I couldn’t be more wrong.

It started out as Sunny days spent lounging in the sun, reading books, sharing our life stories and getting to know eachother more and more. Many Evenings of BBQs with eachothers friends, take away coffees from our Favorite cafe and movie afternoons.

With lockdown two looming, we found ourselves spending more and more time together.

I still put the thought of “us” out of my mind, because I thought it was just me who felt this way. Then.. everything changed.

There was a day when we were having our lounge floor replaced, you asked me out to dinner at our local restaurant. My heart skipped a beat and I wondered if this meant what I thought it did, What I hoped it did. Turns out. You did want to be with me. We kissed and I couldn’t be more excited.

In the next few days and weeks I found myself hesitating, not wanting to complicate things since we lived together and being nervous of letting myself fall after many hurts in the past. My head was spinning and I wasn’t sure if I should do this. I mean, we live together, and this isn’t a common situation. I wanted to take things super slow.

Lockdown 2.0 happened, we found ourselves stuck at home, spending 24/7 together, and loving every minute of it. Long walks, amazing home cooked meals, board games, movie nights, bottles of wine and so many memories later. It was inevitable, I couldn’t stop myself falling.

In the short amount of time, it feels like we know each-other inside out and we’ve already overcome a lot together.

You ended up saying, you’re tired of calling me your housemate - and now I’m your girlfriend


It started with a stupid message

