Everyday for 3 years, to 8 weeks (and counting)
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for 3 years. We worked in the same building when we first started dating, so I’d see her everyday, and then after 18 months we moved into a house share together. In 2019 we decided we wanted to buy a house together and after months of searching we finally found our perfect house, that we could afford! Our offer was accepted, and at the same time the contract on our house share came up so we had to move out of where we were renting. Exchange was due to happen in a few weeks so to save money, and the hassle of finding somewhere super short term we both respectively moved back in with our parents: me with my mum and step dad, her with her dad. That was in February. And then lockdown happened.
I’ve now been living out of a suitcase at my mum’s house for more than 3 months, and I haven’t seen my girlfriend since the day lockdown began.
My mum and stepdad are in their late 60s/early 70s and both have underlying health conditions so naturally they are incredibly cautious and the most stringent rules of lockdown have to be followed. The house sale has come to an absolute standstill and we can’t do anything to get it moving, though we have tried.
It’s been like being in a long distance relationship. Not that I’ve ever had one of those. It’s never appealed. It’s temporary. This separation is temporary. The sacrifice is for a greater good, because who knew a hug could be so deadly? But love prevails, and nothing can take that away. We will be back together. Love has no boundaries.
I’m just ready for lockdown to be over now!