Dating with three women
This is not really my love story but it’s mine as well.
We are a group of three close friends, talking about our everything and drinking Prosecco at the riverside in front of the Tate Britain. We are so different but organically we complete each other. If one thinks she is too skinny, the other one is too fat and the third one has a stupid happy face of “I have everything I want” - as the other two say.N1 is the protagonist of the love story - never married; N2 - divorced, with a son; N3 - married, for the third time, with a daughter.
Just before Christmas N1 started to talk about a French guy that she has known for a couple of years. They started to chat frequently and we all thought that he is a good boy for our girl. Just before the pandemic he decided to come to London and try something more than just talking. We became all very excited about this and started to teach our N1 what to do for a good relationship as we are more experienced. For about a week she was looking for new pijamas, finally bought three and we had to decide which one was best.
N3 - I like the green one.
N2 - they’re all shit, I have a sexy one, you can take it if you want.
N1 - I like the black and white one, but I don’t want him to come to my apartment!
N2 - Of course a hotel is better, you can leave whenever you want, especially if you don’t like something.
N3 - Who pays for the hotel?
N2 - As I’m more experienced in Europeans, it could be 50\50.
N3’s husband - If he really wants her not just for a night only, he will pay.
So the poor French guy didn’t know that he is actually dating three women, that one of them is married and her husband knows about this relationship too.
The four days spent together flew by quickly. He paid for the hotel, she came with Prosecco, strawberries and her new pijamas, everybody was happy. The next step is her trip to Bordeaux but then lockdown starts, and the relationship has to go online. During the two months they argued about a lot of things, about the culture’s differences but finally he decides she’s the woman of his dreams. He changed his status on Facebook to In A Relationship and they started to guess which colour eyes their kids will have - deep green of a Moldovan forests from their mother or Mediterranean blue of their father.
As Boris Johnson announced to stay alert our N1 bought a ticket to Bordeaux for the beginning of June and we are again all exited, as she needs a new haircut, a new hair colour and probably new pijamas. And we have to decide what’s best for this time. So guys keep your fingers crossed for our bride as now this is not just our story but yours as well.