Little one

We were both sceptical of dating apps until we matched back in February. I was on holiday just before the lockdown and asked if I could call her to hear her voice for the first time. We agreed on our first date for when I got home and then regulations changed and we had to cancel. 

Fast forward six months, hundreds of phone calls until the early hours, a few staycations and as much time spent together as possible, and we’re crazily in love. The first time I saw her I couldn’t believe how beautiful her eyes were. Before this, we were both very guarded and not open to loving so freely. Without really ever making a decision to, we’ve both brought down each other’s barriers with ease. 

It’s like we were always supposed to meet. We’ve had a few challenges along the way, namely geographical distance over lockdown, but we’ve made the most magical of memories. We’ve both never loved like this before. I’ve learnt so much from and because of her in 6 months. We’ve had to call things off because I’m moving for my new job, but it’s been the most incredible time. Thanks, little one. I hope we get another chance at this.


Learning to love, me


The right thing?