Lockdown 2.0

I used to hate dating apps but jumped back in and gave it a chance after UK lockdown 1.0. I went on a couple of less than ideal dates over the last couple of months, then matched with someone new on the Saturday that lockdown 2.0 was announced. We clicked, acted fast and went on our first date on Monday before the lockdown starts on Thursday and naturally/ironically it was so much better that the others, I knew I wanted to see him again.

As I said, I used to hate dating apps so I’ve always been quite picky but when I do find someone I get my hopes up and it often doesn’t turn into anything so meeting someone right before a month long lockdown was always going to be a risk and it will be interesting to see what happens now.

Should also add that while I get my hopes up, I also get bored easily when I can’t see people in person so I need to overcome that, not fall too quickly and just go with the flow this time... wish me luck and I’ll keep you updated!


Your biggest regret


Backing myself