Lockdown brought us together

We met on Hinge last year while I was in my final year of uni. We had a mutual friend, got on immediately, liked (mostly) all the same things, honestly, it all seemed a bit too good to be true. I remember thinking maybe he was that elusive 'perfect guy'. But it didn't take long for the conversation to turn to the fact that I was moving back home, hundreds of miles away from him in a few weeks time and in the end, we were both just too busy to actually fix a time to meet in person. 

So, we lost touch, I graduated and moved home but we seemed to just about stay on the peripheries of each other's lives, popping in and out on social media now and then.  

Fast forward to March this year, I frantically text him to help solve a problem I was having at work. In fairness, there were definitely other people I could have asked but he was first one who came to my mind... 

We started talking again, still hundreds of miles away from each other but with lockdown looming it seemed reasonable to stay in touch, to keep each other company almost. 

Lockdown hit and we carried on talking. He sent me flowers. I wrote him a letter. We FaceTimed almost every night, watched TV shows together, he made me laugh and smile like no one has for a long time. It feels bizarre to call it love but it's definitely a big like. He is irreversibly a part of my life now, I miss him when we don't talk, I smile when I think about him and I haven't even met him. 

Soon I will be braving the train journey to see him. Finally. 
For now, I wait and I imagine what it's going to be like in his arms, to feel his kisses and just be with him.


Feeling feelings


I took clothes for a week, and have never left