My first love letter to you
October 12, 2020 will always be a special day for me. It's the day we met for the first time. The best Tinder date I've ever had. The connection between us was true. I promise you I felt the sparks as strongly as you did. You said that first night that we would either be the best of lovers or the best of friends. In fact, we are both. We have so much fun together - whether it's chatting, drinking, listening to music or watching Only Fools and Horses. The first time you told me you loved me, I didn't say it back. I was scared. I'm not the cold hearted ice queen that my fear sometimes makes me project. I will give you my sunshine heart every day, just please don't smash it to pieces. I want everything with you. You are my one. The Boycie to my Marlene. I've said it to you face to face already, but I'm also saying it here - I love you.