
Back in January this year, I started working as a Prison Officer. Not your typical career choice for a petite 5ft 2, 20-year-old girl who has no clue about life. After reading horror stories about the prison service putting a strain on marriages, my partner of 4 and a half years suggested I do something else. But I disagreed. I loved the job, and I was good at it. I promised myself I will not let my job affect my private life.
3 months down the line, lockdown hit. As I was a frontline worker, I had no choice but to work- which I never complained about, in fact I classed myself as lucky not being stuck at home. I picked up overtime at any given opportunity, working 60 hours per week.
Further down the months, I barely saw my partner, I was caught up in work. Our relationship was put on the line, I was much happier spending time in work than at home.
I ended up having an affair with one of my colleagues. I ended my relationship purely out of guilt.
It’s December now, our work affair ended in a relationship. I guess that’s life and as much as I would like to blame the lockdown for this, I always wonder if my career choice played a part in this.
Does the Prison Service put a curse on relationships? Or was it the lockdown?




My first love letter to you