
I dated him a couple of years ago. I cannot describe our relationship in other words than chemistry. Just pure chemistry. I never experienced that level of magnetism with anyone else. I really was into him. He was into me, I thought, until he told me he was poly. I did not want that at that moment and the relationship ended soon thereafter. Still, me a very rational person, suffered a lot because of it. It just didn’t make sense to me to feel so down for something that shortlived and I was really angry at myself for feeling this sadness. A while later, when I started feeling like myself again, I started dating someone else. The Relationship lasted a couple of years, and everything was great! But, I just never reached that crazy chemistry with him. Back to the present, my life now it is pretty great, job is great, enjoying being single. However, the other day I saw him again, unexpectedly. After so long, how is it possible he still makes me feel this way? He said hi and I blocked and tried to find a way to disappear. I cannot stop thinking about him and I really wish I had talked to him. I miss how he made/makes me feel. And, because how he looked at me that day, I know he feels that way too.


Hey Google


Does it matter: update