Modern love

Whether you met your love on Tinder, Grindr, the local boozer, your office, the park - there will always be someone that wants to pass judgement on the non-conventional nature of your meeting. Don't let them get in your head. 

Whether your love is older than you, younger than you, sober, an addict, a parent, childless - someone will want to tell you these are red flags. You can listen to them, but don't let their opinion on something they probably know nothing about upset you.

Whether you're a divorcee, long time single, newly single - someone with no knowledge of the inner workings of your head and heart will want to tell you that the "timing is wrong". As long as you know yourself and understand your partner, don't be phased.

There are people that say, "love should be easy". Let me tell you, love is hard.

There are people that say, "love is black and white". Let me tell you, love is every colour of the rainbow (including grey).

Everyone has a past, everyone has a future.

That's modern love.


Gut instincts


12 hours